Back2Basic er blevet valgt til årets cd i Jazz Special.
Her et par uddrag af anmeldelserne:
Peter H. Larsen
“Det myldrer af begavet liv både i og under Clausens underskov af sammensparet
musikalsk erfaring, den rytmiske fremdrift er uimodståelig. Fyndigt autoritativt i alle tempi
og i enhver detalje.”
Politiken 5 hjerter
Henrik Palle
“Thomas Clausen Trio er knivskarp og eminent vellydende i sin fortolkning af klassiske
melodier fra jazzens sangbog. Smukt. Meget smukt endda.”
Sydsvenskan 🇸🇪
Alexander Agrell
“Vitalt och på samma gång lekfullt och målmedvetet — detta är tolkningar som pulserar,
strävar framåt och helt enkelt vill någonting. Klarhet i tanke och spel.”
Les Dernières nouvelles du Jazz 🇫🇷
Paul Mouterde
“The result is dazzling: more than an hour of elegant music, which revisits these
standards with intelligence. Nothing is more difficult than to take up these eternal themes,
constitutive of this music, with humility, forgetting the major versions already recorded
that have sculpted our ear and made our apprenticeship. A balanced and subtle trio that
leaves space in the interpretation of these cherished themes.” (oversat fra fransk)
Stereo/Fono Forum 🇩🇪 Musik: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Klang: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sven Thielmann
“Clausen understands the material harmonically so convincingly and reinterprets it so
evocatively that one sinks breathlessly in amazement into the casually yet powerfully
swinging soundscapes. It is simply enchanting.”Back 2 Basics” sparkles as a precious
release.” (oversat fra tysk)